Monoidal aggregation via Traverse

Posted on November 20, 2019

Earlier, I talked about the relationship between Applicative and Monoid typeclasses.

It is time to work out what the Applicative instance for a Monoid is good for.

Real world programming

For a programming language, it is not enough to be able to just write Hello World. You have to write word count too.

Let’s do that.

wc via Monoid

Implementing character count and line count are easy, since the accumulations are stateless.

    val chars: List[Char] =
      """Tonight's the night
        |I shall be talking about of flu
        |the   subject   of
        |word association football
    val (ls, cs) = chars.foldMap(c => (if (c == '\n') 1 else 0, 1))
    println(s"$ls $cs")

outputs 4 97.

Depending on whether it is counting lines or characters, this implementation maps each character to 0 or 1. The Monoid[Int] instance then adds them up. (Ignore the fact that the string may not end in a newline, so line count could be out by one.)

Implementing the count of words is not so easy, since an implementation needs to track transitions from whitespace to non-whitespace. It needs state.

State via custom Monoid

Tracking state can be implemented using a custom Monoid

final case class Counts(lines: Int, inWord: Boolean, words: Int, chars: Int)

object Counts {
  implicit val monoidInstance =
    new Monoid[Counts] {
      override def empty: Counts =
        Counts(0, false, 0, 0)
      override def combine(x: Counts, y: Counts): Counts =
          x.lines + y.lines,
          x.words + y.words + (if (!x.inWord && y.inWord) 1 else 0),
          x.chars + y.chars

  val counts =
       c =>
           lines = if (c == '\n') 1 else 0,
           inWord = c != ' ' && c != '\n',
           words = 0,
           chars = 1

that tracks whitespace transitions when counting words.

State via Applicative

An interesting alternative is to lift the accumulating Monoids into their Const-based Applicative instance, and use Traverse to control the accumulation.

This function

  def countWords[A](c: Char): Nested[State[Boolean, *], Const[Int, *], A] =
    Nested[State[Boolean, *], Const[Int, *], A] {
      // F: State[Boolean, *] ; G: Const[Int, *]
      for {
        before <- State.get[Boolean]
        after = !c.isWhitespace
        _ <- State.set[Boolean](after)
      } yield {
        Const.of[A](if (!before && after) 1 else 0)

maps each character to an Applicative instance that uses Cats Nested to wrap a State monad instance. The State’s state tracks whether currently in whitespace (ie Boolean), and its yielded value is Const[Int, *]. This is the integer word count, wrapped in Const in order to provide an Applicative instance. Having a Monad instance, State also by definition has an Applicative instance. Nested is Cats machinery for composing State and Applicative to make a composite Applicative.

Armed with this word-counting Applicative, typeclass Traverse’s traverse method can be used to apply it to a collection of characters.

    val result : Nested[State[Boolean, *], Const[Int, *], Unit] =
      input.traverse_ {
        c =>


    val chars: List[Char] =
      """Tonight's the night
        |I shall be talking about of flu
        |the   subject   of
        |word association football

yields 16.

A bit clunky, especially result.value.runA(false).value.getConst to unpeel the Nested then State then Const to get at the underlying value accumulated by the wrapped Monoid[Int. But it works, demonstrating that monoids can be invoked indirectly when wrapped by an Applicative instance.

Note: the traverse_ method is used here since the actual result of the traversal is not used. The full return type would be Nested[State[Boolean, *], Const[Int, *], List[Unit]], and that List[Unit] is not very useful. Instead, traverse_ replaces it with Unit.

Putting it together

In reality, it is a requirement to also accumulate the easy line and character counts. To do this in one pass, we need a composite Applicative that counts lines, words, and characters.

This is a mechanical exercise utilising another piece of Cats machinery called Tuple2K. This is a tuple acting at kind * -> *, but the executive summary is that it provides a composite Applicative for a pair of Applicatives. In this case, we need a 3-part tuple. There is no such thing, but it can be emulating by nesting Tuple2Ks: Tuple2K[Tuple2K[A, B], C].

The full horror, with Scala type inference assistance liberally applied, follows

    def countChars[A](c: Char): Const[Int, A] =
    def countLines[A](c: Char): Const[Int, A] =
      Const.of[A](if (c == '\n') 1 else 0)
    def run(input: List[Char]): (Int, Int, Int) = {
      val Tuple2K(
        Tuple2K(chars: Const[Int, Unit], lines: Const[Int, Unit]),
        words: Nested[State[Boolean, *], Const[Int, *], Unit]
      ) =
        input.traverse_ {
          c =>
            val charsAndLines: Tuple2K[Const[Int, *], Const[Int, *], Unit] =
              Tuple2K[Const[Int, *], Const[Int, *], Unit](
            Tuple2K[Tuple2K[Const[Int, *], Const[Int, *], *], Nested[
              State[Boolean, *],
              Const[Int, *],
            ], Unit](
      (lines.getConst, words.value.runA(false).value.getConst, chars.getConst)



Would you write word count this way? Probably not. But it does illustrate how a reasonable understanding of typeclass derivation and some lateral thinking can provide alternative solutions, perhaps even a solution where no straightforward approach was feasible.