About me

I am a software engineer in Sydney.

I am very interested in functional programming (FP). In my day job, I use FP in Scala. Outside of work hours, I like to play with Haskell as well as Scala. I would like to play with Haskell during work hours too, but it hasn’t happened yet.

Javascript is right out.

This blog is a record of the occasional thing that catches my interest, however briefly.

Articles are not necessarily aimed at the beginner. They are more a record of thoughts and learnings that might interest other engineers in this field.

These days I work mostly in and around the data engineering field. Technologies like Apache Kafka, Apache Spark, etc. But the blog articles tend to be more about aspects of life in functional programming.

You might also be interested in my photography website. Photography and playing the acoustic guitar give me alternative creative outlets to the possibly-surprisingly-creative outlet that is software engineering.