Function Monoids

Posted on November 13, 2019

Earlier in this series, I talked about how tuple monoids.

This time it is monoids for functions.

Inductive Monoid for functions

If a type B has a Monoid instance, then so does any function A => B. When combining, the Semigroup instance gathers the output of two functions and combines the values using the underlying Monoid[B].

trait Function1Semigroup[A, B] extends Semigroup[A => B] {
  implicit def B: Semigroup[B]
  override def combine(x: A => B, y: A => B): A => B =
    (a: A) => B.combine(x(a), y(a))

trait Function1Monoid[A, B]
  extends Function1Semigroup[A, B] with Monoid[A => B] {
  implicit def B: Monoid[B]
  val empty: A => B =
    (_: A) => B.empty


  val int2IntFunctions: List[Int => Int] =
      (i: Int) => i * i,
      (i: Int) => i * 5,
      (i: Int) => i + 6
  (0 to 10).foreach {
    i =>
      val total: Int => Int = int2IntFunctions.foldMap(identity)
      println(s"$i => ${total(i)}")

Note: this code would ideally be written using Foldable.fold, ie int2IntFunctions.foldMap, but List has a fold method that doesn’t know about monoids. Instead, int2IntFunctions.foldMap(identity) is equivalent to int2IntFunctions.fold.

Output is

    0 => 6
    1 => 13
    2 => 22
    3 => 33
    4 => 46
    5 => 61
    6 => 78
    7 => 97
    8 => 118
    9 => 141
    10 => 166

The function monoid combines the three functions in int2IntFunctions, and returning a function that will apply each of those functions in turn to an input value, and combine the three outputs using Monoid[Int], which sums them. For example, value 4 yields 16 + 20 + 10, ie 46.

Example variant

This time, each function maps to a Max rather than Int. Monoid[Max] accumulates the maximum value, and is defined as

  final case class Max(i: Int) extends AnyVal

  implicit val intMaxMonoid =
    new Monoid[Max] {
      override def empty: Max = Max(Int.MinValue)
      override def combine(x: Max, y: Max): Max = if (x.i > y.i) x else y

This time

  val int2MaxFunctions: List[Int => Max] =
      (i: Int) => Max(i * i),
      (i: Int) => Max(i * 5),
      (i: Int) => Max(i + 6)
  (0 to 10).foreach {
    i =>
      val bestf: Int => Max = int2MaxFunctions.foldMap(identity)
      val best: Max = bestf(i)
      println(s"$i => ${best}")


    0 => Max(6)
    1 => Max(7)
    2 => Max(10)
    3 => Max(15)
    4 => Max(20)
    5 => Max(25)
    6 => Max(36)
    7 => Max(49)
    8 => Max(64)
    9 => Max(81)
    10 => Max(100)

Behaviour is similar to the previous, however, this time the monoid just selects the largest value returned by any of the functions. From input 0 to 1, the equation i + 6 dominates. From 2 to 5, i * 5 takes over. Finally, from 6 onwards, i * i wins.


This kind of behaviour can be used to check a collection of predicates, accumulating their boolean results using a AllTrue or AnyTrue monoid. (These are called All and Any in Haskell).

Note: these monoidal predicates do not provide short-circuiting behaviour. They apply all predicates even if the result has already been decided, such as an AllTrue accumulation that has already encountered a false.

Despite the short-circuiting limitation, such monoidal accumulations of functions can provide a simple and expressive way of dynamically configuring application runtime behaviour.