Abstracting effects MTL-style

Posted on October 14, 2019

Naively implementating an application in Haskell might use error to throw exceptions under, well, exceptional conditions, and use the IO monad for all functions that need to actually do anything that might be noticable by the outside world. This can lead to overly concrete implementations that are tricky to test.


Imagine you have a function that reads a CSV file and parses it. The function’s signature might be:

readAndParse :: FilePath -> IO [Entry]

This function signature has two shortcomings.

  1. It doesn’t advertise what errors might be encountered.
  2. It executes in IO, which means it can have any side-effect that it wants, not just limited to those associated with reading and parsing a CSV file. It could also launch the proverbial missiles, to recycle a functional programming trope.


Recently I wrote a quick Haskell program to analyse credit card transactions, which are arriving at an accelerating rate in an increasingly cashless era. To get started, I wrote the parsing code in exactly that naive style.

analyseFile :: String -> IO (V.Vector Entry)
analyseFile filepath = do
  csvData <- BL.readFile filepath
  let d = Csv.decodeByName csvData :: Either String (Csv.Header, V.Vector Entry)
  return $
    case d of
      Left err     -> error err -- TODO ExceptT
      Right (_, v) -> v

Its purpose was simply to prove that the CSV parsing library would do what I wanted. The TODO comment expressed the temporary embarrassment of throwing an exception, and once I was happy with the CSV handling, along with some other refactoring, I quickly upgraded to returning ExceptT.

Advertising potential errors

parseEntryFile :: String -> ExceptT AnalyserError IO [CsvEntry]
parseEntryFile filepath = do
  csvData <- liftIO $ BL.readFile filepath
  let d = Csv.decodeByName csvData :: Either String (Csv.Header, V.Vector CsvEntry)
  except $ bimap ParseEntryError (toList . snd) d

ExceptT is Haskell’s equivalent of Scala’s EitherT (well really, it is the other way around). It is essentially an Either wrapped in IO. In this case, the left (error) side of the Either contains a consolidated error ADT AnalyserError. In the last line of parseEntryFile, the bifunctor bimap operation converts any error from the parsing library into a ParseEntryError, or otherwise it converts the Either’s successful right value in a manner similar to the original Right (_, v) -> v.

This has solved the first shortcoming. The function no longer unceremoneously leaves the building on error. It also proclaims the nature of any errors that will now be explicitly returned from the function.

But it doesn’t do anything about the second point.

Abstracting Effects

Using monad stacks like ExceptT has a downside. You end up with some deeply unattractive function signatures, returning ExceptT AnalyserError IO a instead of just a. The standard solution to this is to abstract the returned effect (ExceptT in this case) by declaring required capabilities instead. This is called MTL-style. MTL stands for monad transformer library, but the name is anachronistic and doesn’t fully apply to the contemporary meaning of the MTL acronym.

Anyway, there are two effects we need to cater for.

The first is modelled via MonadError, and the second via MonadIO.

Refactoring the application, it becomes:

parseEntryFile :: (MonadError AnalyserError m, MonadIO m) => String -> m [CsvEntry]
parseEntryFile filepath = do
  csvData <- liftIO $ BL.readFile filepath
  let d = Csv.decodeByName csvData :: Either String (Csv.Header, V.Vector CsvEntry)
  liftEither $ bimap ParseEntryError (toList . snd) d

This simplifies the return type from ExceptT AnalyserError IO [CsvEntry] to m [CsvEntry]. In other words, it returns some monad wrapping [CsvEntry]. This simplification comes at some expense though – we have now gained the boilerplatey typeclass constraints (MonadError AnalyserError m, MonadIO m) =>. However, the impact on the function body, was minimal, swapping except for the typeclass equivalent liftEither.

This implementation gives the caller more flexibility. It allows them to use any effect that has an instance of MonadError, which can be useful in scenarios such as unit testing.

A hangover

There is one small problem.

We are using MonadIO, which is the typeclass equivalent of IO, which means we can still launch those missiles. MonadIO gives the appearance of effect abstraction, but it is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

A good design principle to live by is the principle of least power. Functions should be given the minimal level of power that they need. But instead, with MonadIO, they are being given the power to do anything at all. Semantically, MonadIO is ambiguous; it has only one method liftIO, which doesn’t tell us anything about what it might do.

Granting less power

The MTL solution (also known as finally tagless) is to define one or more focused typeclasses that declare exactly the semantic intent.

class FileOps m where
  readBinFile :: FilePath -> m BL.ByteString

It is a minor change to the function to use this typeclass.

parseEntryFile :: (MonadError AnalyserError m, FileOps m) => String -> m [CsvEntry]
parseEntryFile filepath = do
  csvData <- readBinFile filepath
  let d = Csv.decodeByName csvData :: Either String (Csv.Header, V.Vector CsvEntry)
  liftEither $ bimap ParseEntryError (toList . snd) d

The function now expresses a requirement for the FileOps capability, and that capability’s one function readBinFile is employed via readBinFile filepath. This approach tells callers of parseEntryFile that they need to provide a means of reading a byte-string file. It doesn’t say how it is expected to be done. This clearly gives an improvement in testability, allowing stub implementations to be used in unit test suites.

Fulfilling the capability

All that remains now is to provide the promised FileOps in the caller. This is done by providing a typeclass instance for FileOps that is specialised for ExceptT and IO, which matches the original pre-MTL implementation of the application’s main.

instance FileOps (ExceptT AnalyserError IO) where
  readBinFile a = lift $ BL.readFile a

A slight Haskell complexity arises at this point. Haskell only allows typeclass instances for fully-saturated types, designated by kind *. However, ExceptT AnalyserError IO is partial application of ExceptT e m a, ie only e and m are specified, leaving a type hole for a. This is designated by kind * -> *.

To get around this compiler limitation, you need to enable {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}. Haskell then accepts the typeclass instance for the partially-saturated ExceptT AnalyserError IO.

Now to actually write some tests to exploit this new-found flexibility.