Converting Haskell's fix function to Scala

Posted on April 3, 2019

That article introduces the fix function – the essence of fixursion. It was neatly expressed in Haskell. In fact, the implementation is almost identical to the lambda calculus version, probably because Haskell’s syntax was itself based on lambda calculus.

fix :: (t -> t) -> t
fix g = g (fix g)

How to implement this in Scala? A naive port yields this:

  def fix[T]: (T => T) => T =
    f => f(fix(f))

Now implementing fix-ed factorial:

  def factorial: (Int => Int) => Int => Int =
    f => n => if (n == 1) 1 else n * f(n - 1)

  val fixfac: Int => Int = fix(factorial)

This compiles fine but there is one small problem – stack overflow.

The problem is that Scala performs eager evaluation, so f(fix(f)) evaluates immediately and infinitely.

In Haskell, lazy evaluation prevents this issue. It goes to show how lazy evaluation lets you write programs in an idealised way, not worrying about behaviour or termination.

But looking at the code

  def fix[T]: (T => T) => T = ...


  def factorial: (Int => Int) => Int => Int = ...

we see that in this case, T is actually Int => Int. Therefore fix can be expanded to reflect that T is a function from A => A:

  def fix[A, B]: ((A => A) => (A => A)) => (A => A) =
    f => f(fix(f))

This still stack overflows, but we can change it again slightly to reflect that brackets around the rightmost A => A were redundant:

  def fix[A, B]: ((A => A) => (A => A)) => A => A =
    f => f(fix(f))

Looking at this as a curried function, it has two argument. First the function ((A => A) => (A => A)) that is to be fixed. The second argument is an A. This leaves just the return value of type A.

Armed with this, we can reimplement as a two argument curried function:

  def fix[A, B]: ((A => A) => (A => A)) => A => A =
    f => a => f(fix(f))(a)

And this doesn’t stack overflow. The code f(fix(f)) still executes eagerly but it only partially applies the two argument function. It acts as a lazy evaluation thunk, somewhat like in Haskell.

And we are done.